Raffaela DiBauda RMT, RCST is a Massage Therapist in Colorado Springs
I employ modalities and elements tailored to the individual's needs to facilitate healing and recovery:
Neuromuscular (NMT),
Biodynamic Craniosacral (RCST),
Lymphatic Drainage (LDT),
Cold Laser
I seek to facilitate my client's body's own healing capacity by integrating a variety of modalities in my therapy.
Registered Massage Therapist (RMT)–1,150 hours,
Colorado State License #1943
Certified Neuromuscular Therapist (CNMT) Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy 2007
Registered Craniosacral Therapist (RCST)
–700 hours - the School of Inner Health, Manitou Springs, CO - 2010
-37 hours Advanced Biodynamic Seminar, Colorado School of Energy Studies, Boulder,CO
("Deepening into Biodynamics" taught by Franklyn Sills, RCST, 2015)
Lymphatic Drainage Therapist under the modern method of Dr. Bruno Chikly
84 hours - the School of Inner Health, Manitou Springs, CO– organs included - 2010
138 hours - LDT1, LDT2, LDT3, ALDT, LDV Th-Abd, B1 - Chikly Institute, 2014-2019
Certified Spiritual Director
Bendictine Spiritual Formation Program for Spiritual Directors
Benet Pines Monastery, Colorado Springs, CO - 2009
AMTA American Massage Therapy Association, Member
BCTA/NA Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America, Registered Member
Registered provider for Traumatic Brain Injury Colorado now called Rocky Mountain Human Services (RMHS). To receive treatment for TBI , apply to TBIcolorado.org and BIAcolorado.org. Grant programs are available.
I employ modalities and elements tailored to the individual's needs to facilitate healing and recovery:
Neuromuscular (NMT),
Biodynamic Craniosacral (RCST),
Lymphatic Drainage (LDT),
Cold Laser
I seek to facilitate my client's body's own healing capacity by integrating a variety of modalities in my therapy.
Registered Massage Therapist (RMT)–1,150 hours,
Colorado State License #1943
Certified Neuromuscular Therapist (CNMT) Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy 2007
Registered Craniosacral Therapist (RCST)
–700 hours - the School of Inner Health, Manitou Springs, CO - 2010
-37 hours Advanced Biodynamic Seminar, Colorado School of Energy Studies, Boulder,CO
("Deepening into Biodynamics" taught by Franklyn Sills, RCST, 2015)
Lymphatic Drainage Therapist under the modern method of Dr. Bruno Chikly
84 hours - the School of Inner Health, Manitou Springs, CO– organs included - 2010
138 hours - LDT1, LDT2, LDT3, ALDT, LDV Th-Abd, B1 - Chikly Institute, 2014-2019
Certified Spiritual Director
Bendictine Spiritual Formation Program for Spiritual Directors
Benet Pines Monastery, Colorado Springs, CO - 2009
AMTA American Massage Therapy Association, Member
BCTA/NA Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America, Registered Member
Registered provider for Traumatic Brain Injury Colorado now called Rocky Mountain Human Services (RMHS). To receive treatment for TBI , apply to TBIcolorado.org and BIAcolorado.org. Grant programs are available.